lördag 1 januari 2011

Remember me

When I saw the trailer to this movie I had no doubt in my mind that I would not see it. BUT then my friend did, and she said it was really good. So eventually i saw it as well, about a week ago.

I am well aware of how much shit this movie has recieved, but frankly I could not care less. Im gonna throw my shit on it as well.

Remember me is a poor attempt to make a deep, "grown-up" film, but like so many others it just ends up in the big BIG dump of american-clihémovies. And on the bottom to.

Alright, I'll try to be reasonable here. The movie is directed by Allen Coulter (to me unknown) and written by Will Fetters. Both american... just thought I'd point that out. Anyways, Robert Pattinson plays Tyler, a 22-yearold man living in New York... where else... just saying. Tyler is dealing with familyissues as well as problems within himself. I guess you could describe him as the sad-for-no-reason type of guy. That was probably the only thing I liked about this movie. But apparently Tylers brother died like eight years earlier, so he is not that type all the way. Even though I really wish he was. Instead there are so many things going on in this film. It is hard to catch what it's about.
He meets a girl, falls in love, starts an oh so complicated relationship with her. And in an attempt by Will Fetters to make us interested in this ladycharacter, who's name is Ally(played by Emelie De Ravin), Will decided that she always eats her desert first. So on their first date when Tyler orders his food she asks if she could see the desertmenu. After this she explains toTyler why this is with a distugsting, cliché goddamn smile on her face. Desert first...what the hell? And her explanation is that she might DIE any second so it would be to bad if she didnt have time for desert. Man, that bugged me.
Ok, back to movie. Well, actually, nothing really happens for a while after that. Basically it is just these to people and their dads trying to figure things out... very slowly. This right here is the bodypart of the movie, and it simply doesn't do. I can sit through any movie, doesnt matter how long it is(I've seen 2001) but this was just so boring. And the fact that the acting isn't on top hardly made things better. Robert Pattinson is good as a thinker with few lines. But the second he raises his voice it just looks and sounds stupid and very unnatural. An example is the scene where Tyler takes a bike(?) to his dads office, who is in the middle of a meeting, and starts to yell at him. This scene is not believeable at all. Robert does not deliver.
The other actingefforts were ok, nothing stood out.

And now, the part that actually made me angry, the ending. In the end Tyler is waiting for his dad in his office - which apparently is located in the world trade center. We see Tylers littlesister sitting in her classroom and the date is written on the board in front of her. 11th of September, 2001. So the movie ends with Tyler being killed in the plaincrash.
No people, it is not a joke. Will Fetters actually wrote that, Allen Coulter actually directed that and my friend actually LIKED that! As I said, this part made me angry. I mean, honestly, why why why did that happen?! It had absoulutely NOTHING to do with the plot. This ending were so off topic it's insane!
They had a story, not a very clear one, but they hade one, and they decided to just shit all over it and kill the leadrole in 9/11? I just don't understand how people can think this is good. It's like if they had put together Remember me with a totaly different film.
Lisa Schwarzbaum described this movie in a very complete way when calling it a, "shameless contraption of ridiculously sad things befalling attractive people".

And that's exacly right.

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