måndag 17 januari 2011

Batman - The dark knight

The dark knight is a Chritopher Nolan movie. I was thinking about him a couple of days ago, and the thought came to me; Man is he a sucessful director! He's got so many films on imdb's 250 top, it might be a record! Inception, The prestige, Batman begins, memento and of course there is also The dark knight!
Batman is played by Christian Bale (I know folks, third movie in role, but he's good, right? right??)
Anyways, the Joker is played by oh so brilliant Heath Ledger.
I will try to make this review short as well.
The story is great, it' so much deeper and smarter than I ever expected out of a batman-film! Bale is great, Heath is even more great, Michael Caine is great and Morgan Freeman is great.
Man, I love Morgan Freeman. I wish he was my grandpa, or dad, that'd be sweet...
Okey, I'm getting a bit of topic here. What i want to say is this; the movie is extremely entertaining, with a great script and a great cast.
The only complains I have is that Nolan sometimes get a little "hollywood-y", and that the ending is pretty silly. Not the idea of the ending, just the execution.
The dark knight i definitely building up for another batman-film, and I heard there is one in the making... so we'll wait and see!

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