torsdag 24 mars 2011



i did not step in front of a bus today , nore did i shoot my head of. i did however shoot some other people but thats a different story.

is anyone out there interessted in starting a revolution? A real project mayhem?
Together we could introduce a little anarchy.
Why the hell not.
maybe it just might be what this crappy world needs.
and it would keep my mind of killing myself, and/or others.


onsdag 23 mars 2011

Paint the wall with my brains

Today, I hate humanity.
I want no one to escape my rage. If I could shoot every single persons brains out, believe me I would.
I'm like that, I might shake your hand, I might blow your head of with my own automatic weapon. You never know.

Or someone could you just be so kind and put a gun to my head, and paint the walls with my brains.
I am going to dye somday, why not today?
Why not today?

Tomorrow I just might shoot my own head of, or step in front of a bus. You never know.

torsdag 20 januari 2011


I never got the chance to see Watchmen in the theaters. Well, I was lazy, never went.
But I really like superhero-movies, so I wanted to see this since the first time I laid eyes on the trailer. And so, a couple of mounths ago, I bought it and watched it.
The film is directed by Zack Snyder, and starring Malin Åkerman(swedish yey), Billy Cudrop, Jackie earle Haley and Patrick Wilson, I left a few out. I never read the comic, I read books no comics HELLO, but its not that hard to keep up with whats going on.

Anyways, this movie was also, like The Dark Knight, very smart. You really have to think to understand the meaning, at least I did. As far as the actual heros, I loved, whats his name? Rorschach?
He is pretty badass, I'll have to admit.
And they really made these heros humans. We got to know their problems and feelings in a new level.

And of course, the soundtrack is great. Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel etc. ME LIKEY, no just kidding, I dont talk like that.

This might not be the movie you want to see if you're tired, and want something "easily digestible", but the film is actually really good. Check it out folks!

tisdag 18 januari 2011


Hello again!
As you know I've been reviewing very famous films, but I assure you all, I will review whatever movies I want. So, a lot of old movies will definitely be reviewed as well!
Anyways, its been a while since I saw Avatar, but I remember it very clearly.
James Cameron took his time since his last film Titanic(not really one of my favourites). But Avatar really shows that it was time well spent, meaning the special effects.
As far as the actual movie is concerned, I mean the actual story, I kinda think it was a waste of money. I have seen five thousonds films like this one. I honestly knew EXACLY what was going to happen when I sat there in the cinema. I don't remember a single surprise during the whole film. And seriously, why pay 300 million dollars for something like this, and not make the story interesting in any way what so ever!

Another thing that really bugged me was when the head- military guy(who is a walking clivché btw) kept saying how hard it was to survive on Pandora, and that they would all look like shit before they got home because of all the scars and shit they were going to get. But never, not ONCE, did we get to see someone coming home looking like that, we didn't even get to see someone getting hurt even a little bit. Strange, says I.

The cast. Nothing to say. They did their jobs. Brought the clichés to life I guess. No jokes aside, they were pretty good.
Anyways, this was worth seeing because of the effects and the technique. But that's it. The film was... entertaining but...lame.
I would give a 6 out of 10.

måndag 17 januari 2011

Batman - The dark knight

The dark knight is a Chritopher Nolan movie. I was thinking about him a couple of days ago, and the thought came to me; Man is he a sucessful director! He's got so many films on imdb's 250 top, it might be a record! Inception, The prestige, Batman begins, memento and of course there is also The dark knight!
Batman is played by Christian Bale (I know folks, third movie in role, but he's good, right? right??)
Anyways, the Joker is played by oh so brilliant Heath Ledger.
I will try to make this review short as well.
The story is great, it' so much deeper and smarter than I ever expected out of a batman-film! Bale is great, Heath is even more great, Michael Caine is great and Morgan Freeman is great.
Man, I love Morgan Freeman. I wish he was my grandpa, or dad, that'd be sweet...
Okey, I'm getting a bit of topic here. What i want to say is this; the movie is extremely entertaining, with a great script and a great cast.
The only complains I have is that Nolan sometimes get a little "hollywood-y", and that the ending is pretty silly. Not the idea of the ending, just the execution.
The dark knight i definitely building up for another batman-film, and I heard there is one in the making... so we'll wait and see!

söndag 16 januari 2011

Empire of the sun

Well, this is Christian Bale's first. I'm guessing he was about twelve - thirteen when shooting this. It's based on the sametitled book written by J.G. Ballard. However, the movie is directed by Steven Speilberg, someone I normaly do not care for. Usually I think his films suck balls, I mean Minority report...? Wtf, right?
Anyways, this I loved. It's just so beautiful.
Its really directed so beautifully, and the script is amazing too. I am equally impressed with the directing as I am with the story. So cred to S.S and also to Ballard!

If you haven't seen this --> DO IT!

American Psycho

Great movie!
A mix between drama and black comedy. it contains a lot philosofy that impresses me a lot! And also, its very very funny. I definitely understand why people love this film so much. It really should be on imdb's 250 top! Christian Bale is fantastic.

I would write a longer review, but i have to go return some videotapes